Code Journal
- Start Wes Bos’ 30-day challenge - Day 1 [done]
- RedHat Openshift Learning portal
- Getting Started with OpenShift for Developers
- Dashboard
Openshift Command Reference
oc login [--username <usr>] [--password <pw>] [url]
oc whoami
oc status
oc logout
oc new-project <project_name>
oc project <project_name>
oc config get-clusters
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit|view|admin <usr> -n <project>
oc get all -o name
oc get all --selector app=<appname> -o name
oc delete
oc expose
oc describe
REST - Webdev Lecture 263/264
Name | Url | Verb | Description | Mongoose properties |
INDEX | /dogs | GET | Display list of dogs | Dog.find() |
NEW | /dogs/new | GET | Displays form to make a new dog | N/A |
CREATE | /dogs | POST | Add new dog to DB | Dog.create |
SHOW | /dogs/:id | GET | Shows info about one dog | Dog.find({key:value}), Dog.findById() |
EDIT | /dogs/:id/edit | GET | Show Edit Form | Dog.find({key:value}), Dog.findById() |
Update | /dogs/:id | PUT | Update dog, then redirect | Dog.where({key:value}).update({}), Dog.findByIdAndUpdate() |
Destroy | /dogs/:id | DELETE | Delete a dog | Dog.where({key:value}).remove(), Dog.findByIdAndRemove() |
Got the basic structure of the blog node/express/ejs/mongo/semantic-ui app started.