Code Journal
- Wes Bos 30-day challenge - Day 10 [done]
- Webdev - Up to 287
Enjoyed day 10 of the 30-day challenge, I really liked that I was able to figure out a solution all out myself. I can really appreciate his solution though, some of the things like knowing that DOM events have a shift key modifier attribute? I wouldn’t have even thought to look for that, though his solution is likely the way most people use shift clicking for multiple items. At the very least, it feels like I am really starting to know the DOM and be useful and effective.
Interesting to see how the implementation of yelpcamp is coming along, the instructor has a plan for fleshing it all out, but he hasn’t really outlined very robust steps for developing a website like this from scratch. Would be great to see an implementation plan. For example:
- Define basic website flow
- Define Schemas
- Define basic controller interactions / state map / process maps
- Define RESTful routes
- Create basic file structure
- Create boilerplate
- Npm init
- Install express, mongoose, etc…
- Setup nodemon, refreshify
- Setup grunt tasks/webpack
- Create basic landing page
- Determine CSS framework (if any) – Semantic UI / Bootstrap
- Determine template engine – ejs vs handlebar
- Start fleshing out RESTful routes
Maybe that’s just the limitation of this type of learning environment and since his priority is bite-sized introduction to the technologies used for modern web design.